The Simpson Bay Lagoon is a haven for yachting and home to a large number of mega yachts, and also home to the Simpson Bay Lagoon Authority (SLAC).
The Lagoon Authority is responsible for managing the Simpson Bay Lagoon (St. Maarten side) as well as the operation/maintenance of the bridges; collection of fees; with future prospective for planning, stimulating, executing, facilitating, coordinating, improving and managing on principles of business economics of the infrastructure and facilities of recreational.
The Lagoon Authority also strives to enhance and improve the environment of Simpson Bay and the Lagoon. SLAC also promotes the destination as one of the top yachting ports of call in the Caribbean.
SLAC Clearance Office: +1 721 545-3183
SLAC Project Manager: +1 721 520-2147
Email: | Website:
On the St. Maarten side of the Simpson Bay Lagoon, there is one lifting bridge, the John Sainsborough Lejuez Bridge, better known to mariners as the Simpson Bay Bridge, which allows vessels out into Simpson Bay and the open sea.
The Causeway, is a swing bridge that gives access to the French side of the lagoon and down to the Airport and Cupecoy areas of the St. Maarten section of the lagoon.
The bridge is located in Simpson Bay. When the bridge is closed there is approximately 8.5 feet clearance on entry in the port channel and eight feet clearance in the starboard channel. Note: Clearance varies depending on the height of the tide.
In the bridge channel, fare ways and in the Lagoon a five mile per hour speed limit is in force for all vessels. Anchorage zones and marinas fall under “no wake zones.” The buoyage system used is IALA Zone B (“red-right-returning” – “American system”).
No anchorage is allowed in the fare ways. The access fare way from sea to the bridge channel should always stay open. The inbound traffic should position their vessels alongside the fare way so the outbound traffic has free passage to sea. East of the Princess Juliana International Airport, in the extension of the runway in the lagoon, is a no anchorage area.
The opening times for the Simpson Bay Bridge and Causeway are listed here. For special bridge openings regarding the Causeway, vessels and brokers should contact their Marina or Agent.
Simpson bay bridge | CAuseway | ||
08:30 AM out | 09:30 AM in | 08:00 AM | |
10:30 AM out | 11:30 AM in | 10:00 AM | |
2:00 PM in | 4:00 PM out | 4:30 PM | |
5:00 PM out | |||
Representatives of all vessels are urged to visit the Simpson Bay Lagoon Authority Corporation (SLAC) Clearance Office located at the Simpson Bay Police Station just west of the bridge to settle harbour and clearance fees and when applicable bridge fees.
- The immigration clearance documents.
- The customs clearance documents.
- The vessel registry.
- The vessel insurance policy document.
- The last payment invoice of bridge, harbour and clearance fees, if applicable.
The Lagoon Authority is assisted by a number of entities such as the Maritime Department from Port St. Maarten in carrying out its operational/maintenance responsibilities.
Owners and operators of foreign cargo vessels are urged to take note of the path of any systems and take actions to secure their property, other than entering the lagoon. Vessels entering the lagoon for shelter are advised to take down all sails and awnings to decrease wind area. Use the largest anchor and chain available and ensure that proper chafing gear is in place. Make early preparations.